
The C & S difference does NOT lie in the fact that we have been serving Houston’s Seniors for more than 20 years nor the fact that we were one of the first companies to perform Care Management Services before it was even popular. It is NOT even the fact that we are a, locally owned and operated, company that was founded by a nurse to advocate for the rights and independence of seniors. It is NOT that, as we have grown, we have hired the most skilled and talented home care staff in the industry. No! these are all consequences of one thing, our dedication to F.A.M.I.L.Y
The C & S Difference is F.A.M.I.L.Y
Finding the key to every situation. It is only by having a comprehensive understanding of the situation that options can be found. It is through accurately identifying the goals of our client’s care, recognizing all those involved as individuals, and implementing a mind, body and spiritual approach to care that independence can be achieved.
Advocating on behalf of our client. It takes courage and conviction to stand up for the vulnerable and voiceless, especially when it is not the popular opinion. We stand on the side of what is right for our clients, seeking consistency in their goals and plans of care be it in an assisted living, skilled nursing, hospital, with family or other setting.
Morals and Ethics. Most healthcare professionals are obligated to take annual courses in ethics and are bound by a professional code of conduct. However, it is our individual and collective (as a team that revolves around our clients) ethics that exceed those outlined by the State of Texas. Therefore, If the foundation of C & S is Advocacy and the promotion of the elderly’s independence, then the consecrated ground upon which this foundation is built must be our Morals and Ethics.
Innovative approach to creative problem solving. The complexity of today’s Healthcare environment, caregiver emotional susceptibility, overwhelming family dynamics at times (albeit well meaning) and our client’s health complications makes it imperative that solutions are sought in non-conventional ways. The solutions of yesterday cannot be applied to the situations of today.
Listening. As a Registered Nurse I use my stethoscope and hear the beating of the human heart. As Registered Nurse Care Managers we listen to our client’s heartfelt concerns and desires.
You. From our family to yours, may your journey through caregiving bring peace and memories that are positive and enduring. May you be restored physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you for taking your time to learn about the C & S Difference, as always it is a privilege to serve you and your family.
COVID-19 UPDATE: For more information on C&S Healthcare's policies for reducing the risks of infection, click here.